30km from my place --> Ampang --> K.Kedah --> back home.
Booring ride... as usual, xcept this time we have 7 riders total.. a first for this ride. Me, Guan, Xp, Apit, AK, Tien & his chick fren Yen I think... also a first!
Booring ride as usual.. xcept, we almost ran over a mini cobra! cobra! 1ft long...
Booring ride as usual.. xcept, I forgot or.. rather was too booring to take out dcam to take pics...
Booring ride as usual.. xcept, for.. someone with brand spanking new XT08 Cranks!! woot!
Booring ride as usual.. xcept, for someone with brand er... not so new.. but still new RS REBA SL!!!
Booring ride as usual.. xcept, when we were going back, sprinted after a rider who was actually far behind us.. rather than far ahead of us...sheesh!!
Wow... too much booringness here..ignore me.. im just pissed I dint took out my cam to take pics... but XP did!.. hm.. time to ask for shots from him..
"these pictures are all courtesy of Patrick Xplorer"
Bridge view.. funny how, 7 months ago, the first time I rode a bike up here.. I felt like its a huge monumental task, and really felt spent.. almost to the point of fainting. Now, its like.. who can sprint up here first...
the infamous apit.. now a certified "tok guru" in BBS.. hehe...
The posse'
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